Monday, November 19, 2012

0 How to Be a Good Entrepreneur Network

For me, the best definition of entrepreneurship, about your business-related sense, is a person who identifies a business opportunity and organizes the resources needed to implement it.

Essential characteristics of a good entrepreneur
From this simple definition can be drawn which are the essential characteristics of a good entrepreneur, these are: (1) a continuous state of alert in search of business opportunities, (2) the ability to gather all the resources available or can attract third party and dedicate them to an ultimate end, (3) the ultimate fate of their activity is to create a viable business.

Let's look in more detail these three essential traits of good entrepreneur:

1. The Hunter
When I think of the entrepreneur I imagine a person walking through a rainforest quietly holding a knife in his mouth and sniffing around in search of prey succulent. The good entrepreneur is always alert for opportunities. Tracking the market is kept informed of changes that occur in this and is continually inspired by the ideas that others have already successfully implemented.

How to be a good hunter in the Red

The Network is the perfect jungle for good entrepreneur. The opportunities arise from the change and novelty that generates and produces Red changing with its constant evolution. In the Network business opportunities come one after another, you only have to look closely and stop the ear.

What does this mean?

Just stay on top of what happens on the Web.

How to do it without drowning with so much information available?

Simple. Follow more people know and hear what they have to say. They will inform you of all the news that are relevant. To follow use the communication channels that currently prevail in the Net, these are: (1) blogs and other web pages, (2) social media (especially Twitter and Facebook), (3) audio podcasts or doing a simple Itunnes search for these on Google (word or keywords + podcast), (4) and finally, video content in major online video platforms (especially youtube and vimeo). These four channels of information is all you need to keep abreast of all major developments of the Web

How much information identified among these sages of the Network?

The good thing is noted, implying that those who know most are the most audience have in their respective fields of expertise.

How do you know who has more audience?

Blogs by Industry Enthusiasts

There are ranked with the best blogs by subject dealing. Searching on Google (best blogs) or (best blogs + keyword field that interests you) you depart. You can also go directly to the most popular lists, these are: and . Although the best known is the ranking of Alexa , which tells you with updated information which is the position of the website you visit, as well as countries of the visitors, the links pointing to that page, including the average time that the People are on the website.

Here I leave the valuable addon Alexa Sparky Firefox. Feel free to download it.

That said, the three major websites that should be used to inform you of all the news on the Web and in the technology sector are:

- Techcrunch

- Mashable

- Techmeme

Another option is to search Google terms that interest you (eg blog make money online) and see blogs that are better positioned. Another option is to go to WeFollow (contains updated lists of users of Twitter in response to his inlfuencia and number of followers), look for the category that interests you and see who are the most influential in their field or have the most followers. Finally, not to dwell too much, once identified some influential Twitter users, select those who follow a few people and research who follows then usually turn influential people on the Web

Influencers on Twitter

Twitter is one of the best ways to keep abreast of developments in the network, as long as you follow the right people. To identify the sages of the Network in Twitter you wont 3 options: go to WeFollow and find your category of interest, identified one of the sages of the Network investigates people who follow, and finally, using TweetDeck , creates a column to the topic that interests you (eg # socialmedia), and see what people tweet on the subject, usually find many retweets than those sages Network previously released on their blogs.

Video platform

Do a search by date or number of views, the platform will give the results sorted in order of importance. Look at those who are in the first few pages. In the videos, below in the description usually leave a link to the blog's creator.

Which of the assumptions entered sages identified me should I focus?

After making a list of the 20 most influential people and can only choose from including your favorites. Go by your content, if you like more or less, if you find it entertaining and instructive, etc. When you see a website with a poor or very poor design but with a very good Alexa ranking that means that the content of this blog is the best you can find (eg, for many, the best self-help blog the blogosphere).

That said, we continue with the analysis of the two remaining good entrepreneur characteristics:

2. The Collector
Every business, much as is done online, you need certain resources to run. The good entrepreneur once identified the business opportunity must proceed to find the means to operate it. This means, among others, are: business-related information, money and people responsible for specific tasks or permanent workers.

As for the money needed will vary according to the characteristics of the business. To create an online business usually requires an initial endowment of resources to be much smaller than one offline (or traditional). Although some online businesses can do almost without spending a penny should be taken into account that it is often advisable to spend some money to have a more attractive appearance and everything runs smoothly. The most common is that who plans a business on the Internet can not do everything but to delegate certain jobs, which by their specialty or lack of time, it can not perform. Typically, companies hire freelancers or (self-employed) for them to do homework. For example, issues such as website design, logo, art, photos, editing videos, motion graphics jobs, online marketing campaigns, programming and consulting. There are numerous experts on the Internet that offer consulting services in their respective specialties within what is known as online business and online marketing. The price for its consulting services depend on the prestige and reputation of the person concerned, but you can find good consultants for about $ 250 an hour.

3. The Sniper
A good entrepreneur must act as a sniper standing on a tower, that is, to be fully concentrated is its target: the creation of an online business viable. All his actions must be aimed at the ultimate goal. If a particular task contributes nothing to this goal will be discarded. As an example, a blog for many visitors it receives not a business if it is optimized for maximum benefit. You can receive thousands of hits per month and earn only a few dollars that maybe he can pay the hosting and little else. If you want to make money with a blog is fine, but you have to ask from the beginning as a business strategy and plan the route all events to that ultimate goal is to make money online. In other words, if you hit the target (make money online) is necessary to focus and aim at all times to the target (do a business and nothing else) otherwise hard to reach target shooting.

In conclusion, if you want to be a good entrepreneur in the Red hunter mentality need to identify business opportunities, you have to collect the material and human resources needed to get the business going, and finally set eyes on the peephole and shoot accurately at your target, which is simply to make money online.

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