Monday, November 19, 2012

0 The Perfect Strategy Good Entrepreneur

Analyzed and what should be the qualities of a good entrepreneur should possess , especially for anyone who intends to carry out its activity on the web, you have to go one step further: make the perfect action strategy.

The action strategy for an entrepreneur is as important as the map for the sailor, without which it is difficult to come to fruition. The strategy that I will outline below is simple and generic, so that within each of these steps could contain numerous tasks. Specify what will be left of your account.

The Perfect Strategy Good Entrepreneur
1. Gather a group of entrepreneurs trained to form a team

You can only start a business but, in my opinion, when experience as an entrepreneur and capital scarce there is no better way to proceed to form a team of passionate people and delivered by the common goal of creating a business. It is clear that the initial cost split between four people is much less costly than contribute it all yourself, dealing with it the risk of entrepreneurship. Also, four people can do more than one in any of the tasks that I will explain below. For example, promoting the product four star business are more likely to let you know that one. Although it is true that it's natural to divide tasks between different care team members in their capacities, contacts and tastes.

What things should be taken into account when choosing the people who will join the group:

How many should form the team?
Before going on to list the qualities of our future colleagues want to make clear that more is not always better. In fact, the number of members should be just enough to give life to the business. Include more than necessary would be a mistake for the following reasons: (1) the more people forming the team more likely to be internal conflicts, especially the formation of subgroups influencing the ratings, (2) the benefits are also distributed the more people, so we will be less of us.'s Rule every good starting team should be: few (the righteous), capable and well-matched. Otherwise, internal conflicts can threaten the project. Four or five people would be a good number for initial equipment. It is always possible, as it will define the business idea, to be adding new members.

What qualities to look for in aspiring team members
They should be people who more or less comply with the following qualities (listed by order of importance):

(1) - committed to the project

There is nothing worse than working with people who do not believe in the project, because that distrust in the possibilities of business viability spread to his work, and, besides, you can give with your questions to other members. The existence of people not involved in the group represents a high risk of conflict, team spread and ultimately project failure.

(2) - Women

If they are not working will be better off staying at home, build a business because of the cost and much nothing. We do not want people who are there to make up and annoy.

(3) - Brave

Nothing ventured is unlikely to gain anything of value. The entrepreneur must have initiative and take risks (in moderation) without fear of failure from a failed business. Many successful entrepreneurs before winning their fortunes failed two or three times, and I'm talking about breaking and not merely lose the capital contributed.

(4) - Positive

In the harsh and thin, especially in the latter, you have to have a smile on your face and look to the future with hope. In every company there to overcome setbacks and to this end, a positive attitude helps. Imagine a football team that goes to the field demoralized, that team loses insurance, although his opponent is lower. Negativity is a disease that spreads and infects others desmoralizándoles. In contrast, positive motivation and teams.

(5) - Creative

The best way to overcome the obstacles that will be presented as advance business formation in the absence of great resources (as normal), is making use of creativity in finding and implementing solutions. Hard work also helps to that end. I always like to think that there is only one way to tackle a problem (challenge) but several different. Choosing appropriate to the situation is the key to success.

(6) - trained qualified

In terms of training I refer to those skills and competencies that a person has and habitually uses in his performance: a team player, people skills, eloquence, good writing, analytical skills, ability to synthesize, etc.

I would like to make a point in relation to the capacity for teamwork. Today it is crucial, especially in the early stages of the creation of a business. You just can not do it all, or at least can not do as well as if it had the support of other people. There are generally two reasons why a person can not work together: (1) the timidity and (2) lack of trust in peers. In the formation of companies, especially those that are focused on online business, delegate and collaborate with others is essential.

Regarding qualification I refer specifically to their preparation and study. A person with higher education have more knowledge on a specific topic that you missed out such studies. Also, the student has demonstrated good to be able to respond to important challenges and emerge victorious from them.

(7) - Experienced

Experience in the formation of new companies is important, as it helps to speed up the process and avoid mistakes and mishaps that can be very expensive. Now, I have decided to put it last because the experience is something that inevitably will be winning over time as the project progresses. Furthermore, learning and experience is one of the most important benefits that are taken out of entrepreneurship. And yet this, it is recommended that at least one person with some experience in the matter of business formation.

Distribution of costs, benefits and decision-making among team members
Each group decides what seems most convenient. What is recommended and more normal, in these early stages of business formation, is making an equal division of both the costs and the benefits, but as I said, here you can agree on what you want. As for decision making is to choose normal or majority system or by unanimity. I personally prefer unanimity. Although only thinking for the initial phase of the business. Once this is operational and we must prioritize and group organization becomes convenient decision by majority.

2. The search for business opportunities

Unless you already have a clear business idea, the next step would be searching for business opportunities. The opportunities are always out there you just need to find them.

The most common is to first decide which sector is concerned. I recommend, if you do not have a clear idea on this point, is that each group member gets to seek business opportunities in different sectors. Made sectors sharing each member shall file with his companions a brief summary of the major ideas of their research and conclusions, providing additional documentation to support and document submission. All presentations made debate. It was unanimously chosen over and over booking. Unanimity is key here, because I can not imagine a person working for a project that did not vote. Remember what I said about the importance of commitment? It is vital to business success.

Determined sector must realize the business idea is to carry and the model used. To do this, all team members are dedicated to research everything they can in this sector and, as before, are found business ideas and voted on. Here, at the time of voting for or against an idea, not only have to think of the potential gains that could get the play out well but the competition out there and the costs and obstacles that implies carrying out .

Finally, decide which platforms will be used to promote and sell the products. Currently, the Internet has become an almost obligatory use platform for maximum benefit, especially if the product is of content (music, books, videos, courses, etc.) But not only, because look what they've done Zapoos by selling shoes. For those who doubt the potential of the Internet as a sales platform looking at how Google entering Amazon and the previously cited. Existing platforms to promote a product are basically the following: physical facilities, advertising on the street and indoors, magazines and newspapers, radio, television, Internet, and, finally, the mobile phone. Television still rules regarding the promotion of brands and products but, in the view of a server in a few years the Internet will occupy the first place, especially after joining the television, which will occur soon but not notice his full potential until a few years. Right now, I feel that the prices being charged by traditional media to sell advertising space are totally outrageous. I expect a correction in this regard as the advertising money starts to move internet. Companies are realizing that the internet is the future in the promotion and sale, as both can occur instantly: I see the ad and when you take out the card and buy it. Moreover, internet can exactly know how many people are interested in your product (eg clicks to accounting.) Are just a few examples of the benefits of Internet versus traditional platforms. Let us not forget that the Internet is only 15 years of life and the growth of its users year after year is immense. In Internet Additional prices charged, usually are quite affordable. And, with a little work and creativity, just have to spend money to advertise a product or a company with the purpose of blogs and social networks. An example of this is Vaynermedia , a consultancy specializing in branding for companies and celebrities.

3. Acting.

As soon as all of the above have done and should be ready to act, put it all into practice, jump into the ring. Never forget this: inactivity kills. Do not think about things too much, once there are clear enough to act or risk leaving or spending too much time at the initial stages. The years run, everything has its time. Do not spend more time than necessary at each stage, otherwise we run the risk of emergence of boredom and stress. You have to go step by step but always forward.

Here perhaps suits you refresh this interesting article: The perfect is the enemy of the good

This is the last step. Let's see what happens next:

It works! - There viable business

Right. It has been difficult but in the end much effort has paid off, we have a business that makes a profit, is viable.

But hey, even the thing and have gone well, we must not rest on their laurels. Now is time to work to make improvements that allow us to increase profits, ie to help us optimize business performance. I am referring to new products within the same business, to implement improvements in the sales and distribution system, to reduce costs, to improve the promotion of the products and brand, etc..
Once done, proceed to the last step: hiring employees to carry out tasks that do not require our direct involvement. Every time you have to give more responsibility to workers to liberate us working well. Our participation will be limited to the control of business results, making important decisions and take the money. If the results will be checked worst causes and implement a solution. The causes can vary greatly, can range from low productivity by workers, by these actions of unfair competition, to changes in the market and demand. For this work the most intelligent, but depend on the size of the company, is to outsource the task to a specialized consultant.
It works! - No viable business

Easy. In the event that the business does not benefit as much as you strive to be closing the snack bar and start over with the venture. Downside, loss of capital, share the good, the knowledge and experience gained during the process of creating business. Believe me, the insurance value of the latter far exceeds the former. Well depends what had you brought  .

Now you can either start again looking for a new sector or decantaros by the business idea that you had saved in the chamber vote. That much you decidiréis of hands.

If you want an example of what is explained above, here I leave the link to personal blog Didac Lee , who is, as he likes to be defined, an entrepreneur by vocation and profession expert in overcoming adversity, manage risks and brown. Certainly, what I am sure of is that it is a phenomenon and an example to us all. The perfectly embodies what I call entrepreneurship.

What do you think the strategy? I'd love to know what you think and, specifically, I'd like to hear what you have to say an entrepreneur to provide its bit.

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