Monday, November 19, 2012

0 How to Win One Million Euros

One million euros is the magic number. Are you really so distant that number from your current situation? From my point of view, which I will share with you now, make a million euros is much more realistic than people imagine. Keep reading because then you just revealed that you need to win 1 million in one year.

How to earn a million euros a year in numbers explained
1,000,000 (Euro) / 12 (months) = 83,000 euros per month approx.
To win 1 million in a year need to get 83,000 euros a month.

83000 (EUR) / 2.000 (customers) = 41.5 euros per customer.
To win 1 million in a year you need to pay 2,000 customers per month for your products or services a price of 41.5 euros.

Do you still find it very difficult to win 1 million euros? Is it still a pipe dream?

Consider other less ambitious objectives:
Half a million euros a year. Though not sound as good with half a million of this figure is that the vast majority of mortals would sign now earn in a year. Following the same reasoning above if you want to win half a million euros a year just to get 1,000 customers would need to get paid 41.5 euros per month, or 2,000 customers to get paid 20.75 euros per month, or, and which inspires me most, 500 customers who get paid 83 euros per month.

A quarter of a million euros a year. Many people earn a quarter million a year. Very few and I'm sure you too would want to be among them. What does it take? Get ready because this really worth it. To earn 250,000 euros a year is needed that 208 customers will pay 100 euros a month, or that 2,000 customers paying you $ 10 a month. Look at this another way, each month you need to sell 1,000 copies of a digital product that costs 20.75 euros, or a product for which 2,000 people are subscribed at a price of 10 euros per month. Do not know about you, but to me those numbers do not seem so improbable and so far as initially thought. What well seen things change?

Earn a million euros a year explained in words
The above fact is an exercise in splitting a large block in small portions to make them more digestible. You can do it with any question you assume an insurmountable obstacle. But as happens here, the vast majority of insurmountable obstacles, once shredded into small pieces, as they are in appearance only, that is, almost everything is within reach. We only need to look at things with the right approach. How would the good of Seth Godin is the shadow of the monster that is projected on the floor what scares us, if we stare we realize that the monster was not so.

Is it really so unthinkable to create a product or service that can be sold to 500 people for a price of 83 euros per month? If something has internet and business online is that there are no borders, so your products or services can be offered, promoted and purchased anywhere in the world. As I see it, limit the geographic scope of an online business enterprise meaningless. Actually, the cost of maintaining a business, with the promotion of products or services and customer support, in Spanish and English at the same time is negligible compared to the profit potential it has.

This may seem obvious but it is not. How many online businesses know that only offer their services on a local or national geographic? How many online businesses only speak out in a language? Now I'm telling you: the vast majority. They speak of the virtues of the internet and borderless world that has brought them and instead continue to limit the scope of its business to the national level. Are themselves putting unnecessary barriers to business growth online. Miran shadow monster and scared, now, the brave who raise their heads and look at the eyes are upon realizing that reality will take the upper hand eventually.

How far is a million euros from your bank account? 1 service sold to 2,000 customers for 41.5 euros a month, or a product sold to 1,000 people each month for a price of 83 euros.

Take Action
I just turn on the light to see the monster and his shadow, now your turn to turn the dream into reality and the impossible possible.

Do not know where to start?

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