Monday, November 26, 2012

0 Search Engine Optimization - SEO

Search engine optimization, SEO or search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic results of different search engines. It is also common to name it after its English title, SEO (search engine optimization). Actually SEO positioning locate a web search as high as possible on the results of the major search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN and Ask. This high position in search results will provide greater visibility of the website and an increase in the number of visits to it. 

Natural or organic SEO

The aim is to appear in the top positions possible organic search results of search engines for a specific word or words.

Assumes the task of optimizing the structure of a website and the contents thereof, and the use of various techniques of link building, viral content linkbaiting or increasing the visibility of the web, due to increased citations.

The SEO is done in two ways:

Internal SEO: By improving the content. Technical improvements in the code. Accessibility. Test A / B etc.. 
External SEO: It seeks to improve the visibility of the website with references to it. This is achieved primarily through links.

The natural or organic positioning takes place mainly around the Google search engine, which is due to more than 90% -95% of total searches. The position in different search engines like Bing or Yahoo, requires different techniques, but their search algorithms are similar.

We also refer to SEOs to define positioners or persons performing such work.

Note that the search engines often display organic or natural results in an area, the couple paid search results. The position in these areas pay, requires payment of certain special services such as Adwords or Microsoft Ad Center, and is known as Search Engine Marketing or by the acronym, SEM (search engine marketing). 
Activities to improve SEO

The work is large, since the position involves the programming code, design and content. As basic recommendation is recommended to follow the complete guide Google guidelines. Can be divided into internal and external SEO: 
Internal SEO

Are those improvements that we can apply on our website, content, appearance, accessibility, etc..

- Create quality content. It is common the saying, "content is king". 
- Perform the structuring and designing a website positioning thinking, means paying attention to that is functional, easy to access and captures user attention. 
- Create unique titles and descriptions relevant content on each page. Each page is a business card for the seeker. The titles and descriptions are starting points for the identification of the relevant terms over the web by search engines. Best practices recommend writing titles between 60 and 70 characters. 
- Make our site as accessible as possible: limit content in Flash, frames or JavaScript. This content type does not allow tracing or tracking information from the robot on different pages or sections. For they are a flat space in which you can navigate. 
- Link internally the pages of our site in an orderly and clear. A site map in code (both Google as one present on the site) will give way to search through the different sections of the site in an orderly, improving its visibility. 
- Improve the user experience with design improvements and reduced bounce rates. 
- Host the web on a reliable server. 
- Use bold or italics in the content for keywords that are intended position. 
- Use the labels "meta" (description and title) with the keywords, strategically chosen previously. 
- Use header h1, h2, h3, etc. to highlight important words or titles. You should use keywords in the headers. 
- Optimize the URL, put the most important keywords for searching and meaningful. 
- Create a clean web design and advertising to deliver relevant content in the upper half of the website 
- Refresh the page with quality original content. 
- Optimize the loading time of a website to get the bandwidth reduction, increase conversion rates and improve the user experience. 
- Use an appropriate labeling of the website.

External SEO

Are those techniques we use to improve the visibility of our online web media. In general, the aim is to get online mentions, in the form of link, optimize the web.

- Getting other websites related issue with your website link. This is interesting to perform a search for those terms that you think should drive traffic to your website and consider which of them are complementary content. If for example you want to position for the term "hairdresser madrid" may be interesting to try to get backlinks from other cities hairdressers. 
- Right now there are hundreds of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter. LinkedIn, in which to participate and get visits from our new friends. For Google, Twitter and Facebook are social networks that are more relevant for positioning. 
- Register in important directories like Dmoz and Yahoo!. The directories have lost a lot of interest in the search engines but still a good starting point for links or your first web crawling by search engines. Both require a human for inclusion filter which assures the quality of web added, but also slows and hinders inclusion. 
- Register and participate in forums, preferably in thematic forums related to your business website. The frequent participation must be accompanied by real and valuable contribution to be taken into account as a qualified user, detail to achieve success and increase visits positioning is the link to your website in your signature presented.

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